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  • Writer's pictureMaria Paz Martinez

Art within Art : Pixel Designs

My partner Sarah and I wanted to initially grab a work of art, pixelate it, and have the pixels come towards the screen through the z-axis, in almost an exploding fashion. We looked through many different vibrant works of art and we finally decided on using this work of art, we found on the internet:

We decided to go another route and have the pixels fade in. We used alpha to fade in the pixels, but we thought it looked too boring and predictable. We had to figure out a way to have the pixels fade in as well as appear in a randomized order. We found out about the shuffle function that randomizes the order of elements in an array. We used the shuffle function and created a corresponding x and y array. We initially had the pixels skip by 10 but we wanted the pixels to end up looking like the original painting so we reduced it to 2. We decided to add back in the alpha function to add an elusive feel to the pixel art. Three words I would describe our work is vibrant, elusive, and scattered. Here is our finished piece:

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