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Beautiful Chaos

I wanted to continue with my theme of recycling old art pieces of mine and bringing them to life. I chose this old photograph and wanted to change in the background in a creative way.

I used a photograph of a butterfly and made it cartoon-like to match the aesthetic of the painting. I decided to make the butterflies become a part of the background. 

I wanted to track the beginning image and have the butterflies fly out of her mouth and reach the background. I came in trouble with the animation part when the butterfly didn't look like it was flying out of the mouth. I made the inside of the mouth be a separate layer so it could look like it was coming out of her mouth. I decided to fade the rest of the butterflies, as I thought it'd be too much for the visual of it. 



                                                   Check it out: 

Find your Affirmations!

I decided I wanted to create an app that would encourage me and others to get up and seize the day. I wanted to create 4 affirmations that users can read and interact with as they get ready for their day. 


I wanted to create circular dreamy multi-colored affirmation animations. I decided to number them so the user knows that they need to find all of them to complete the animation. 

I also wanted the user to be able to interact with the affirmations, so I added the interaction of tapping it and making it disappear. 


                                                        Here's a link: 


My focus was to make a lens that triggered digital content for main use in snapchat and TikTok. In the theme of dancing, I decided to create graphics that go along with a TikTok dance. I chose the gogo dance that was popular a few months ago. 


I used After Effects to make these graphics:

I initially uploaded a full length video of a girl dancing the gogo dance, but because she moved so fast, I realized it was difficult to capture a custom gesture. I took pictures of me doing the the gogo dance and put them on the preview. The static images allowed me to capture the gestures. 

I pasted them in the Gesture Controller Script. I made sure to save it. 

          BOTH_ARMS_OUT                                                            HANDS_ON_ME

Falling Books

I was very excited for this assignment because I have always wanted to animate one of my paintings. I decided to separate the layers : body, arms, and eyes. I made an 8 sec sequence on After Effects and separated the layers on photoshop. I did the image tracking on Lens Studio.


Here is the link to the animation:  


I used the random word generator and this was the first word that come up coincidentally so I thought it was fate and decided to do it. I wanted to create a broken lens. I used photoshop and I combined a bandaid, glasses, and broken glasses for the lens. I transferred it over to lens studio. I posted it on snapchat so everyone can use it. 

LoFi - VR experience

I was having a really hard time deciding how to go about the project. In the end I decided to do an optical illusion in streets of Manhattan. I had my friend stand a lot further back so it would look as if I was holding him. 

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